Born in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. After graduating from Shonan High School in Kanagawa Prefecture, I entered Nagoya University, Faculty of Agriculture, because while I was passionate on guitar playing in high school I had become eager to study wild lives especially insects that I liked since my childhood. I studied evolutionary ecology using the white butterfly (Pieris rapae) in the laboratory. After graduation, I continued my research on quantitative genetics (a statistical method of evolution) in the lab. In 1991, the doctoral degree of agricultural sciences was endowed from Nagoya University. As a postdoctoral researcher (PD) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), I belonged to the National Institute of Genetics, Mishima (1991-1993). Meanwhile, I stayed for half a year as a visiting scientist at the University of Oregon, Department of Ecology & Evolution. As a postdoctoral fellow of NSERC (the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), I stayed at McGill University, Department of Biology, for two years from 1994. I analyzed evolutionary models based on quantitative genetics. In 1996, I was invited as a visiting associate professor to participate into a research project on risk management of chemical substances (CREST strategic basic research) at Yokohama National University (Japan). As I was interested in the assessment of agricultural chemicals on ecosystems ever since when I was a graduate student at Nagoya University, I decided to work on the research subject to find out the way of evaluating ecological risk of chemicals in terms of extinction risk of species or populations. In 2001 when the project ended, I was fortunately adopted as a faculty member (associate professor) of the School of Economics, Chuo University. Have got professorship in the next year. In 2006, I moved to the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Center for Environmental Risk Research, and resumed researches of environmental risk especially on the ecological risk assessment of various environmental disturbing factors such as chemical pollution, global warming, eutrophication, etc., to ecosystems. From 2011 to 2016, I conducted a research project and developed acomputer software to analyze the ecological risk of chemical substances. Since 2016, I am a professor of Graduate School of Global Environment Studies, Sophia University.
静岡県浜松市生まれ。神奈川県立湘南高等学校卒業後、名古屋大学農学部農学科に入学、研究室でモンシロチョウやアズキゾウムシを使った進化生態学の研究を始める。1986年、同卒業。卒業後も研究室に留まり、量的遺伝学(進化の統計学的方法)の研究を続けた。1991年、名古屋大学大学院農学研究科修了、農学博士。1991年より日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD)として、国立遺伝学研究所に所属する。その間、オレゴン大学生物学部に訪問研究者 (visiting scientist) として半年間滞在。1994年より2年間、NSERC (the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) の国際ポスドク研究員としてマックギル大学生物学部に滞在する。量的遺伝学に基づく進化モデルの解析を行った。1996年、横浜国立大学で始まる化学物質のリスク管理に関する研究プロジェクト(CREST戦略的基礎研究)に客員助教授として参加する。化学物質の生態リスクを種の絶滅リスクとして評価する研究テーマに取り組んだ。2001年、中央大学経済学部に助教授として着任。翌2002年、教授。2006年、国立環境研究所環境リスク研究センターに室長として赴任、環境リスクの研究を再開し、化学汚染、温暖化、富栄養化などの多様な環境かく乱要因の生態系へのリスクを群集生態学モデルで解析する研究を行う。2011年よりプロジェクトリーダー、化学物質の生態リスクを解析するシステムの開発を行った。2016年より、上智大学大学院地球環境学研究科教授。
Research topics
Development of evaluation methods for impacts of chemical substances and other pollutants on ecosystems and biodiversity based on ecological modeling.
Elaboration of environmental effect assessment for warming, water pollution and other human-induced factors.
Trait-based analyses on the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functions.
Simulations of extinction of populations by genetic factors such as inbreeding depression and introgressive hybridization.
Theoretical studies on the evolution of social communication systems in organisms.
Publications 論文
Tanaka, Y. 1987. Polygenic analyses of morphological characters in Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval
(Lepidoptera:Pieridae). I.Heritability estimates.
Applied Entomology and Zoology 22:125-132.
Tanaka, Y. 1987. Polygenic analyses of morphological characters in Pieris rapae crucivora (Pieridae:Lepidoptera).
II.Phenotypic, genetic and environmental correlations. Japanese Journal of Genetics 62:59-67.
Tanaka, Y. 1989. Genetic variance and covariance patterns of larval development in the small white butterfly Pieris
rapae crucivora Boisduval. Researches on Population Ecology 31:311-324.
Tanaka, Y. and Noppun, V. 1989. Heritability estimates of phenthoate resistance in the diamond-back moth.
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 52:39-47.
Tanaka, Y. 1989. Age specificity of inbreeding depression during a life cycle of Callosobruchus chinensis
(Coleoptera:Bruchidae). Researches on Population Ecology 32:329-335.
Tanaka, Y. 1991. The evolution of social communication systems in a subdivided population. Journal of Theoretical
Biology 149:145-163.
Tanaka, Y. 1991. Heritability estimates of life history traits in small white butterfly Pieris rapae crucivora. Researches on
Population Ecology 33:323-329.
Tanaka, Y. 1991. Genetic variation in age-specific fecundity of the azuki bean weevil Callosobruchus chinensis
(Coleoptera:Bruchidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 26:263-265.
Tanaka, Y. 1991. Individual variation of scent avoiding oviposition behavior in azuki bean weevil Callosobruchus
chinensis. Journal of Ethology 9:31-33.
Tanaka, Y. 1993. A genetic mechanism for the evolution of senescence in Callosobruchus chinensis (the azuki bean
weevil). Heredity 70:318-321.
Tanaka, Y. 1996. The density-dependent selection on continuous characters: A quantitative genetic model. Evolution
50: 1775-1785.
Tanaka, Y. 1996. A quantitative genetic model of group selection. American Naturalist 148:660-683.
Tanaka, Y. 1996. How is life history variation generated from the genetic resource allocation? Researches on
Population Ecology 38:11-17.
Tanaka, Y. 1996. Sexual selection enhances populational extinction under changing environments. Journal of
Theoretical Biology 180:197-206.
Tanaka, Y. 1996. Social selection and the evolution of animal signals. Evolution 50:512-523.
Tanaka, Y. 1996. The genetic variance maintained by pleiotropic mutation. Theoretical Population Biology 49:211-
Tanaka, Y. 1997. Extinction of populations due to inbreeding depression with demographic disturbances. Researches
on Population Ecology 39:57-66.
Tanaka, Y. 1998. A pleiotropic model of phenotypic evolution. Genetica 102/103:535-543.
Tanaka, Y. 1998. Theoretical aspects of extinction by inbreeding depression.
Researches on Population Ecology 40:279-286.
田中嘉成・中西準子. 1998. 慢性毒性の生命表評価法と生態リスク分析.水環境学会誌 21:589-595.
田中嘉成・中西準子. 1998. 生態学モデルの生態リスク分析への適用-外挿法と生活史感度解析の効用-
水環境学会誌 21:616-623.
Tanaka, Y. 2000. Extinction of populations by inbreeding depression under stochastic environments.
Population Ecology 42:55-62.
Tanaka, Y. 2000. A realized heritability of behavioral responsiveness to oviposition deterring pheromone in azuki bean weevil. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 96:239-243.
Tanaka, Y. and Nakanishi, J. 2000. Mean extinction time of populations under toxicant stress and ecological risk
assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 19:2856-2862.
Tanaka, Y. and Nakanishi, J. 2001. Life history elasticity and the population-level effect of p-nonylphenol on Daphnia galeata. Ecological Research 16: 41-48.
Tanaka, Y. and Nakanishi, J. 2001. Model selection and parameterization of the concentration-response functions for
population-level effects. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20: 1857-1865.
Tanaka, Y. and Nakanishi, J. 2001. Life table toxicity of sulfuric acid on Daphnia galeata: a manipulation of acid
stress. Japanese Journal of Environmental Toxicology 4: 1-8.
Tanaka, Y. and Nakanishi, J. 2001. Effect of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate on population growth of Daphnia galeata:
A life table evaluation. Environmental Toxicology 16: 344-348.
Tanaka, Y. and Nakanishi, J. 2002. Chronic effects of p-nonylphenol on survival and reproduction of Daphnia galeata:
multigenerational life table experiment. Environmental Toxicology 17: 487-492.
Tanaka, Y. 2003. Ecological risk assessment of pollutant chemicals: extinction risk based on population-level effects.
Chemosphere 53: 421-425.
Kobayashi, A., Tanaka, Y. and Shimada, M. 2003. Genetic variation of sex allocation in the parasitoid wasp
Heterospilus prosopidis. Evolution 57: 2659-2664.
Nakanishi, J., Gamo, M., Iwasa, Y. and Tanaka, Y. 2003. Environmental Risk Evaluation of Chemicals: achievements
of the project and seeds for future development of metrics for evaluating risks Chemosphere 53:389-398.
Tanaka, Y. 2005. Constrained evolution of a quantitative character by pleiotropic mutation. Theoretical Population
Biology 68: 243-251.
Tanaka, Y. 2007. Introgressive hybridization as breakdown of postzygotic isolation: A theoretical perspective.
Ecological Research 22: 929-939.
Tatsuta, H., Yao, I. and Tanaka, Y. 2009. Isolation of eight microsatellite markers from Moina macrocopa for assessing
cryptic genetic structure in the wild. Molecular Ecology Resources 9: 904-906.
Hayashi, T., Kamo, M. and Tanaka, Y. 2009. Population-level ecological effect assessment: estimating the effect of
toxic chemicals on density-dependent populations. Ecological Research 24: 945-954 (DOI 10.1007/s11284-
Tanaka, Y. and Yoshino, M. 2009. Predicting the phenotypic response of resource-competing communities to
environmental change. Journal of theoretical Biology 257: 627-641.
Hayashi, T., Kamo, M. and Tanaka, Y. 2009. Examining the relationship between chemical concentration and
equilibrium population size. Australas.J.Ecotoxicol. 14: 31-35.
Sakamoto, M., Hanazato, T. and Tanaka, Y. 2009. Impact of an insecticide on persistence of inherent antipredator
morphology of a small cladoceran Bosmina. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 57: 68-76.
Tanaka, Y. 2010. Apparent directional selection by biased pleiotropic mutation. Genetica 138: 717-723.
Tanaka, Y. 2010. Recombination and epistasis facilitate introgressive hybridization across reproductively isolated
populations: a gamete-based simulation. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12: 523-544.
Sakamoto, M., Ogamino, Y. and Tanaka, Y. 2010. Leptodora kidtii: a cladoceran species highly sensitive to toxic
chemicals. Limnology 11: 193-196.
Nakajima, M., Kodama, K., Horiguchi, T., Tanaka, Y. and Shiraishi, H. 2010. Impacts of shifts in spawning
seasonality and size at maturation on the population growth of mantis shrimp in Tokyo Bay. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 418: 179-188.
Mano, H., Sakamoto, M. and Tanaka, Y. 2010. A comparative study of insecticide toxicity among seven cladoceran
species. Ecotoxicology 19: 1620-1625.
Mano, H., Ogamino, Y., Sakamoto, M. and Tanaka, Y. 2011. Acute toxic impacts of three heavy metals (copper, zinc
and cadmium) on Diaphanosoma brachyurum (Cladocera: Sididae). Limnology 12: 193-196.
Tanaka, Y. 2012. Trait response in communities to environmental change: Effect of interspecific competition and trait
covariance structure. Theoretical Ecology 5: 83-98.
Tanaka, Y., Mano, H. and Tatsuta, H. 2012. A toxicant threshold model and the genetic variance of tolerance to
pollutants. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 31: 813-818.
Mano, H. and Tanaka, Y. 2012. Size specificity of predation by Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes on Daphnia pulex.
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 1-5, iFirst.
Tanaka, Y. and Mano, H. 2012. Functional traits of herbivores and the food chain efficiency in a simple model
ecosystem. Ecological Modelling 237-238: 88-100.
Tanaka, Y. and Tatsuta, H. 2013. Retrospective estimation of population-level effect of pollutants based on local
adaptation and fitness cost of tolerance. Ecotoxicology 22: 795-802.
Yokomizo, H., Naito, W., Tanaka, Y. and Kamo, M. 2013. Setting the most robust effluent level under severe
uncertainty: Application of information-gap decision theory to chemical management. Chemosphere 93: 2224-
Yoshino, M. and Tanaka, Y. 2013. Global properties of evolutional Lotka-Volterra system. Advances in Pure
Mathematics 3: 709-718.
Mano, H. and Tanaka, Y. 2015. Mechanisms of compensatory dynamics in zooplankton and maintenance of food
chain efficiency under toxicant stress. Ecotoxicology 25(2): 399-411.
Tanaka, Y. and Tada, M. 2016. Generalized concentration addition approach for predicting mixture toxicity.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 36(1): 265-275.
Mano, H. and Tanaka, Y. 2017. Spatial difference in genetic variation for fenitrothion tolerance between local
populations of Daphnia galeata in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan. Ecotoxicology 26 (10) : 1358-1365.
Watanabe, H., Oda, S., Abe, R., Tanaka, Y. and Tatarazako, N. 2018. Comparison of the effects of constant and
pulsed exposure with equivalent time-weighted average concentrations of the juvenile hormone analog pyriproxyfen
on the reproduction of Daphnia magna. Chemosphere 195: 810-816.
Tanaka, Y., Nakamura, K., Oda, S., Watanabe, H. and Tatarazako, N. 2018. Estimation of population-level effect of
the endocrine disruptor pyriproxyfen in Daphnia magna by using changes in sex ratio and reproductive output.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 156: 463-475.
Awards 賞
Miyadi award 2000 (The Ecological Society of Japan)
日本生態学会宮地賞 2000年3月